Bitget, top crypto derivatives and copy trading platform, launches the Bitget Builders Program as its latest initiative of the Blockchain4Youth charity project. The program aims to recruit over 100 young talents and provide them with comprehensive education and training in crypto, blockchain, and Web3, along with invaluable industry experiences.

As the crypto market continues to evolve, Bitget seeks to inspire and empower the next generation of crypto leaders. It looks to foster a resilient community amid the ever-evolving blockchain landscape. The Bitget Builders Program comes at a time when the industry experiences shifts and challenges. The Bitget Builders, a dedicated group of volunteers, will play a pivotal role in supporting the Bitget community and advancing the adoption of cryptocurrencies.

“Blockchain technology is the future, and the future belongs to the youth. We believe that nurturing curiosity, innovation, and talent is the key to driving the growth and development of the blockchain industry. The launch of the program, together with Bitget’s commitment to its employees and rebranding efforts, solidifies the platform’s position as a leading exchange during challenging times,” said Gracy Chen, managing director of Bitget.

In its first phase, the Bitget Builders Program aims to recruit 100 young talents in Q3 2023. It has a focus on countries such as:

Benefits of the program

Selected participants in the program will gain access to high-profile industry events, engage with luminaries and investors, and receive exposure that will shape their personal growth and future prospects as crypto leaders, regardless of their current experience level.

According to recent research conducted by Bitget, Millennials account for 46 per cent of crypto enthusiasts. They are more familiar with the internet and digital technologies than their more mature counterparts. The platform believes that Gen Z and younger crypto users, who grow up with the increasing adoption of crypto, will be playing a vital role in promoting crypto adoption. Therefore, it aims to encourage and inspire the backbone of the future world, to join and follow the wave of crypto early.

The Bitget Builders Program is part of the broader Blockchain4Youth initiative, which Bitget launched in May 2023. This initiative has committed $10million in funds over the next five years to empower young individuals to embrace blockchain through a series of educational activities tailored for youth. This includes campus lectures, U30 hackathons, blockchain online courses, certifications, and scholarships.

Bitget will host its first Crypto Experience Day with partnering universities and blockchain organisations globally. The initiative is aimed at providing hands-on blockchain technology as well as crypto career suggestions to young audiences.

In its ongoing commitment to educational excellence, Bitget’s Academy now offers the Blockchain Fundamentals Course. Designed as a structured entry point into the world of blockchain, the course comprises three modules covering crypto, NFTs, DeFi, metaverses, and Web3. The program equips beginners with practical knowledge and skills, encouraging wider participation and understanding of blockchain technology.

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