The UN Rights High Chief Volker Türk said on Friday that he was extremely concerned about the rapidly deteriorating conditions in which President Mohamed Bazoum of Niger, his wife and his son have been arbitrarily detained. Credible reports indicated that the conditions of detention could amount to inhuman and degrading treatment, in violation of international human rights law.Türk stated:I have received reports that electricity has been cut, and they have no access to clean drinking water – amid hot temperatures in Niger – and to necessary medicine. Those responsible for the detention of the President must ensure the full respect and protection of his human rights and of all others being held.Leaders of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which is a powerful West African regional bloc, decided to upload all measures and principles agreed upon by July and ordered the deployment of the ECOWAS Standby Force to use against the senior army officers who deposed Niger’s democratically elected leader in July. According to the Associated Press, Niger’s junta told a top US diplomat that they would kill Bazoum if neighboring countries attempted any military intervention to restore his rule.

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