Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a report Tuesday alleging that civil and political rights such as freedom of speech are being attacked by Rwandan authorities, even the rights of those living outside the country.According to HRW, strategies for repressing the rights of those who criticize the country include killings, kidnappings, beatings, enforced disappearances and arbitrary detention. HRW reported instances of overseas human rights violations committed by the government of Rwanda against Rwandans living abroad. For example, on September 13, 2021, Révocat Karemangingo, a businessman and member of the Rwandan refugee community in Mozambique, was shot to death near Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. Karemangingo had allegedly warned Mozambique security forces that people associated with Rwanda wanted to kill him.The government of Rwanda has denied the allegations with a government spokesperson claiming that HRW presented a “distorted picture” of Rwanda. The spokesperson went on to say, “Any balanced assessment of Rwanda’s record in advancing the rights, wellbeing, and dignity of Rwandans over the past 29 years would recognize remarkable transformation progress.”

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