Former Vice President of Nigeria Atiku Abubakar Friday criticised the Nigerian elections which confirmed Bola Tinubu as the winner of the elections. During the press conference, Abubakar described the election as “neither free nor fair,” labelling it as “the worst conducted elections since the return to democratic rule.” Abubakar also mentioned accusations of fraud and undemocratic practice.Following the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission (INEC) announcing the new president-elect, multiple parties have joined Abubakar in calls to investigate the result and election process. Furthermore, if the election is found to be illegitimate and the result invalid – it would mean that the INEC has not adhered to Nigerian law. The parties contesting the election and the result have 3 weeks to prove the illegality of the election.Bola Tinubu leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC) won in 12 states and secured at least 25 percent of the votes in 29 states, according to the INEC. However, there is significant controversy with citizens losing faith in the whole process due to the low turnout and problems with the technology which INEC takes full responsibility for. Even the EU Election Observation Mission mentioned this election has “lacking transparency” with “interference and violence suppressing participation.” Local news gave voters the opportunity to express their frustration with delays and disruption at polling stations and to explain why they do not trust the process.Previous presidential election results have never been successfully overturned by any authoritative body.

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